Information for participation in the Exhibition and cultural programmes
Submit a duly filled-in Prescribed Application from with a Registration fee of Rs. 100.00 (Rupees One Hundred) to the Secretary on or before opening.
Separate Application for each Individual stall.
Transfer of the stall or subletting of the same to others is for bidden. It should be used only for the purpose for which the application is sought for.
Exhibitors are required to decorate the inside and outside of the stalls at their own cost. The stall shed of various dimensions/areas is mentioned in the Application from and the same should be specific in advance.
The vendors who wish to have stalls for the sale of eatables, snacks (Only vegetarian) and Items should meet the Secreary in this connection.
From…..onwards, the stalls would be made available in the exhibition premises.
The products should be attractively and decoratively displayed one day before the commencement of exhibition.
The Exhibition committee has a right to frequently inspect the upkeep of the stalls.
After the closing of the exhibition, the stalls should be vacated with cle4aring all their products and goods in a day or two.
Damages to the materials and goods belonging to of the Exhibition property should be made good by the resplective exhibitors and/or stalls holders.
For unforeseen weather changes. Like Rains, Fire etc: the stalls hoiders shoul have some precautionary arrangements and the committee is not responsible for such sudden occurrences.
If any exhibitors or his staff if found to have misbehaved or used undesirable language with the public or with the members of the exhibitition committee, and if it is brought to the notice of the committee, such exhibitor(s) stall(s) will be cancelled and are directed to close down the same without notice.